This command to store current EDID data to file:
sudo /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -d /boot/edid.dat
And add this line below to /boot/config.txt
to load the EDID data above on boot, ignore EDID data from monitor
so RPi will boot with mode and resolution correctly even when monitor is off (or slowly starting on), this is useful when power blackout, the monitor starting slowly and is not detected by RPi correctly and fallback to VGA resolution automatically
===== rpi4 no longer use config.txt
DISPLAY=:0 xrandr
cvt 1360 768 60
DISPLAY=:0 xrandr –newmode “1360x768_60” 84.75 1360 1432 1568 1776 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync
DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -s 1360×768
DISPLAY=:0 xrandr –rmmode 1360x768_60